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Handmade Network»Feed
It took me forever to get Visual Studio to not argue with what I wanted to do... A few of the hi…
I've got a simple question, but I'm not able to figure it out in a reasonable amount of time. At…
Bumping this topic, I am the one who asked for a boost of volume yesterday on stream. Some people…
Casey Muratori
Hmm - if you're doing bilinear, you shouldn't generally see a line, although keep in mind that bi…
Casey Muratori
Yes, at this point I think we're down in the region of unreliable timing, so I think we want to s…
Ossi Waenerberg
Hmm, this sounds like the problem I wrote about on my topic on IACA markers. Basically as the cod…
For a while I've been searching why there's a similar artifact in my version of the rendering cod…
Marius Adaškevičius
Thank you, Mārtiņš.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Context switching involves many things. Some of them are - reading values from all registers, sto…
Marius Adaškevičius
Got it, thanks. On a similar note, can OS "detect" a possible memory stall and switch to a differ…
Casey Muratori
It may very well be relevant shortly, but we had some indications that our profiling results had …
Marius Adaškevičius
I don't know what was happening in the marathon stream, but if you subtract Origin.y from PixelPy…
Ossi Waenerberg
Hmm, thinking about this some more, maybe there's no elegant solution to the problem. So I'll jus…
Dana Fortier
hahaha, ok then I guess changing the exe working directory was the only real change I did.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
That couldn't have fixed that. You can set only one working directory per process. And because yo…
Dana Fortier
Oh I fixed it, I had to set both the dll and exe debugger working directories to: $(SolutionDir)$…
Dana Fortier
The CopyFile returns the error code in this case.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Who produces ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND? CopyFile or LoadLibrary?
Dana Fortier
Yeah, I verified multiple times, they're both in the same dir... So here's the weirdness: 1 2Co…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Have you put both files - exe and dll in same directory? If dll builds in some other folder exe o…
Dana Fortier
Oook that's weird, the VS build/run gives me the soundbuffer debug markers, but NOT the gradient …
Dana Fortier
Ok good to know! Thank you!
Abner Coimbre
I do like the article by the way, and I nodded my head as I read as well.
Patrick Lahey
Sorry - answered the wrong question...
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Putting header file in Visual Studio doesn't do anything. It is only for your convenience - to be…
Patrick Lahey
I suspect the title is tongue-in-cheek. He could have called it need-oriented or benefit-driven …
Dana Fortier
Arg, I got to the .dll day so I checked out this post. I created an extra project in solution ex…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
mmozeiko What do you mean by alpha=128? That means 0.5 transparency:) Yes you are 100% correct. …
Abner Coimbre
The need to say "suffering-oriented" to prove a point is depressing. It's just programming.
Patrick Lahey
A bit off-topic but I think a few others on this list might be interested... This one got lots of…