Are those linker warnings or compiler warnings?
C2220 -…
Casey, since you are using -WX flag (Treat Linker Warnings as Errors), it's impossible to compile…
I have seen all the episodes. And I look forward to each. I feel I have been preparing for this i…
Troncoso The run command is already mapped to F5.
Another option (what I do) is to install this…
Just wanted to point out that on yesterday's stream Casey started calculating the world units bas…
Solution to this might be using:
14inline int32
I went quite some time not coding (not even loading the distributed source files), but over the l…
When I run the handmade intrinsic functions, I get wrong output for negative numbers.
Example ou…
I have followed along with the code Casey wrote but skipped all the sound stuff(except for the dl…
Wooo! Sounds fixed to me :) Thanks for giving that a shot.
That's fair thanks for the answer! ( Time to catch up on those pre streams I guess : - )
I'm working on an Xlib/Alsa port of everything in Common Lisp. I'm all the way back at day like 7…
ChronalDragon I'm as caught up as I can be, for now. I've been coding along though I'm essentiall…
cmuratori I prefer instant switch, personally.
- Casey
Given your comment elsewhere about free …
I'm as caught up as I can be, for now. I've been coding along though I'm essentially doing it wor…
How many days have you "completed" of Handmade Hero? Do you simply watch? Download the nightly so…
Class GenericHuman
So, I thought you were totally crazy for suggesting that somehow plugging it into a different ana…
I prefer instant switch, personally.
- Casey
Will we be imitating Mega Man or Zelda where when you reach the edge of a screen, it pauses the a…
In the Q&A for day 26 Jonathan Blow asked Casey to explain "the variable" and Casey said he's…
Oh and one more important thing. The reason for using virtual routines, or dynamic routines, insi…
What isn't making life easier though is people who firmly states that something is BAD ALWA…
I've never been a strong advocate for any form of paradigms, if something feels right for the cur…
Alright so I managed to get a sound test working (it totally dis-regards important errors right n…
Is it really not possible to upload those somewhere? I am also not able to follow the streams liv…
Mike —
Ok strangely after very slow loading Day7 started loading...
I'll blame my Internet Provider...…
When compilers optimize code often they don't track very accurately where local variables are sto…