Petri —
Let's also keep in mind that audio and visuals are not equal: frame or two lag in audio is very c…
kyle —
I am looking for reading material recommendations for over the holidays.
Is the K&R book stil…
Wow! Very cool, thanks for this. I'm looking forward to trying it at some point.
I agree that the user doesn't care about the game's "real time" - that is just an internal concep…
Thanks for the catch!!! I hope that improves our problem... unfortunately I have to wait until M…
Compelling points being made here, yes.
- Casey
drivers99 I am currently up to day 009, and the audio clipping of the recording has been driving …
The reason is because the user doesn't actually care about "real time", because they aren't looki…
Awesome! Thanks for writing this up for people. I will put a link to it on the "Coding Resource…
I guess Windows XP compatibility will be a recurrent fly in the ointment here, but if the only XP…
Am watching the recorded day 20 stream.
Why sync the audio to the frame rate at all? Wouldn't it…
Just have watched Day 19 video. I try to explain my thoughts (my english is awful).
I've been wo…
Don —
I actually mean the YouTube videos; I haven't watched a stream while it was live yet. But, I beli…
Jumping up, beating my chest, roaring like a gorilla is how I've always dealt with victory so it …
Casey said something about whether the Owl should be the Owl of Shame or the Owl of Success. I s…
I haven't encountered any audio clipping issues on the YouTube videos. Perhaps it was just the l…
Don —
Update: Ah, I see... 40 minutes in the video on day 009, you did say you were clipping because yo…
Don —
I am really loving the stream (on YouTube since I started late) and it is everything I ever wante…
Dejan —
That was a great stream about audio syncing.
With the very last modification done, the ExpectedF…
win32_debug_time_marker *Marker = &DebugTimeMarkers[DebugTimeMarkerIndex++];
WARNING This text is old, and a bit outdated. Some of information is not relevant anymore, and man…
Bigpet I'm like to use it as just one of the tools in my belt instead of using it as a hammer to …
Hi Nimbal and frkn,
Thanks to both of you I was finally able to set up a VS 2013 project. I went…
Haha. Thanks mate. It's always something small.
Bigpet —
I'll take a look at the book.
And to just to be clear I was a devotee of the OOP stuff, most of…
Some of the refactorings in Fowler is quite offensive to the non-OOP brainwashee such as taking a…
Furkan —
Hi, i have just created solution files for 32bit and 64bit builds and attached the solution direc…
Petri —
I like Casey's attitude of simplifying things by asserting on fixed behavior. Many Amiga games we…
Thanks for the hint, I will look what I can find.
That sounds like the working directory isn't set correctly. From the screenshots in the article I…