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Handmade Network»Feed
Found the issue. Thanks David! It seems that the correct audio device wasn't selected. I was c…
Casey Muratori
Hoo boy. That's reaching back a long long way :) I learned linear algebra from Gilbert Strang's…
I wanted to start a collection of some introductory C resources to help beginners in C like me. T…
Hi Casey, the other night you mentioned you thought yourself math through books. Would you have …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
You can do without any if statements in loop like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10SampleOut =…
David Gow
Chapter 13: Platform-indpendent User Input is out. I've also upgraded the server it's hosted on,…
Johan Öfverstedt
That was genius. Thank you for posting that, disproving my assumption, and teaching me something …
Casey's been hinting both at a little bit of Zelda/Binding-Of-Isaac as well as a bit of button ma…
testing123123123123123123 Oops, didn't mean to reply with this account. But do notice the CSS co…
David Gow
I'm afraid I'm totally stumped: your sound code works perfectly here. The two follow-up questions…
Not sure if I should make new thread with this, but I am having issue with playing sound. It see…
Andrew Bromage
For some reason, I'm not seeing my reply, so let's try reposting. The obvious way to get SIMD ha…
David Gow
Fixed, thanks! I'm looking forward to your comments: these were all written pretty quickly, so I…
John Meyer
Sorry if it's too early in the game to ask this but do we know what genre the game will fall into…
Johan Öfverstedt
You have to bump into these scenarios many many times before these kind of details becomes visibl…
I think it just bugged me that there was repeating code. You are right about the efficiency. I …
Johan Öfverstedt
Hi, Having nice debug facilities is always nice. I'm pretty sure that code will be much slower …
Hi all, I'm really enjoying this series, very educational and entertaining. I just wanted to th…
Neil Blakey-Milner
The gold-plated guns you get with the Deluxe Edition really make the A button less of an issue.
And if you want to dive deep into GPUs, check out this absolutely fantastic course by John Owens …
Whoa now. That'll be fixed in the day 1 patch. We didn't want to spoil the surprise, but you ca…
Simon Anciaux
The antivirus ( Avast ) was in silent mode and apparently didn't liked win32_handmade.exe (it was…
Not direct about programming, but a very good article how the communication with the GPU works: R…
I have a big problem with the current balance of the game. The A button is way too OP with how f…
David Vereb
In chapter 6, should SDL_CONTROLLERDEVI[color=#ff0000]D[/color]EADDED be SDL_CONTROLLERDEVI[color…
@rbc13183 My general recommendation is this for people who are looking to improve their math abi…
Hi guys. Thanks for the helpful posts. When I think about my self-development goals, I think it c…
This was a known issue in VS2012. I would first make sure you have the latest update to VS2012 i…
@rbc13183 It depends on your goals. If you just want to program in OpenGL (which I have never do…
Tod Hansmann
YMMV, but in my experience, the language is less important to learning the math end of things in …