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Handmade Network»Feed
Johan Öfverstedt
rathersleepy In the work I currently do (embedded - litte memory, crappy CPU) I have found that …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
ryanries Thanks for the info, everyone. From what I understand, QPC will use RDTSC *if* Windows h…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
If you listen to people like Ray Kurzweil, and consider history you get the feeling that hardware…
Johan Öfverstedt
I would absolutely want to see that happen! I would never miss a show!
Ryan Ries
Thanks for the info, everyone. Just for everyone else's amusement and information, here is anoth…
Yes, I'm working right now on a the Mac platform file. It covers the window, keyboard input, audi…
Björn Berggren
Thanks! I've been trying to figure out how to do a os x platform layer. This helps a lot. Somewh…
Stefan Koch
please remember. I had to hack the source to get it to compile. Expect hiccups! The ValuePrinter …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
cmuratori __rdtsc is very important and you definitely want to use it _for profiling_. What MSDN…
Stefan Koch
Alright. I ran into problems I have to hack windows support for cling together. It should not be …
Hey, thanks for converting it. I've added a comment on my version linking to yours. I'll post my …
Awesome! I took the liberty to convert to pure c99 for people like myself that don't use c++ much…
What's the point in using different function on dev machine if both perform the same function? Is…
Stefan Koch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10#define SWAP(T,A,B) {T _tmp = A; A=B; _tmp=A;} //T is the Type A and…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
@ryanries: __rdtsc works reliably on SandyBridge and up (also on newer AMD cpus). See here: https…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Not sure why you use winegcc to compile on Linux. You should install mingw-w64-gcc package. MinG…
Casey Muratori
__rdtsc is very important and you definitely want to use it _for profiling_. What MSDN is talkin…
Ryan Ries
I was curious about a couple things. MSDN strongly discourages the use of the __rdtsc() intrinsi…
For those interested in Mac OS X development, I created a CoreAudio based sample program that sho…
Matt Gilene
For anyone using Sublime Text as their editor here is a build system that should automatically bu…
[strike]My bad, I had wine-git from the AUR, it works now thanks[/strike] Man this forum is confu…
My bad, I had wine-git from the AUR, apparently it gets rid of some stuff when it's done compilin…
Evan Shaw
Have you installed wine? 1pacman -S wine I'm also on Arch fwiw.
Neil Blakey-Milner
The other D language feature that makes metaprogramming possible without leaving the language (ie…
I tried adding x86intrin.h but I get this error 1 2 3/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lwinecrt0 collect…
Neil Blakey-Milner
The only dragons will be in the Dragon Punches! Shoryuken!
Awais Ahmad
If its not too much work I would like to have a build, it would be interesting to be able to test…
Christopher O Connor
Hi, I would like to see that.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
CoCreateInstance is in objbase.h. You need to include windows.h to use it, and link to ole32.lib …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
If you are going to do your own sound mixing like Handmade Hero does, then it doesn't matter. Bot…