Handmade Network»Feed
I do not knot if someone reported this bug (I made a fast read), but in my case the Data Inspetec…
Shazan Shums
Can you provide more info on setting up video mode is it possible with the raspberry pi and how?
Cranky Floresy I'm not 100% convinced that aligned allocation is a primary concern for most devel…
Floresy I'm not 100% convinced that aligned allocation is a primary concern for most developers u…
Michael Cameron
Unfortunately as hardware has become more "Plug'n'play" it has basically just got worse since ven…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
It's still possible to insert usb/cd/floppy in modern CPU and directly boot from it and run only …
Andrew Smith
Hello! I recently used Casey's GJK video to learn and implement GJK for discrete collision detec…
Jeroen van Rijn
bunjee @Kelimion: Just tested with the latest VLC and you don't seem to get chipmunks. The pitch …
Bill Strong
So there is always some code underneath, even if it is the UEFI/BIOS. But you can do this today o…
Benjamin Arnaud
I think that missing playback speed option is because MotionBox uses libvlc for playback. It can …
Shazan Shums
Is it possible to code a game where it doesn't need an OS. It loads directly to the game like old…
Ameen Sayegh
First, my complain is not about why I have to mark the functions getting called explicitly to be …
Don't judge compilers without having their insides. I only have limited experience with compiler …
Ameen Sayegh
So we have to turn the optimization on from the command line by using /O2 switch, then we have to…
Allen Webster
mrmixer Would it be possible to add the values to the documentation and possibly in 4cpp_lexer_t…
Abner Coimbre
CaptainKraft If you want to do something official that is hosted here or ran by our admins, that'…
Just wanna post saying, im in when / if this happens
Jeremiah Goerdt
Pretty much anyone can create a game jam on Itch.io and it's a platform to sell/give away your ga…
Simon Anciaux
Hi, I was running the example (example1.cpp) to see what tokens where generated. I stepped in the…
Jeroen van Rijn
bunjee Would it be possible to have linked pictures on project pages instead of uploads ? For Mo…
Benjamin Arnaud
Would it be possible to have linked pictures on project pages instead of uploads ? For MotionBox…
Floresy Hmmm, I take back the "i'm not convinced", and I'd rather say that I just don't get it. I…
1. I like a month long comp too. 2. I fear that using money as votes could get hairy, but many ar…
Hmmm, I take back the "i'm not convinced", and I'd rather say that I just don't get it. I can't q…
Thanks for the replies.
mmozeiko Chip has Allwinner SoC. Which has Mali GPU. That means no source, no docs and binary dri…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Chip has Allwinner SoC. Which has Mali GPU. That means no source, no docs and binary drivers...
Casey saying C++ is poopsauce is what attracted me here. I like people who notice when bad practi…
As an alternative to using Raspberry PI as a base there's also the c.h.i.p., pretty cheap. I'd l…
Floresy And while I don't have a better API/solution to offer, "void* malloc(size_t size, size_t…