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Handmade Network»Feed
Simon Anciaux
Yes, you need to buy the game to get access to the source code.
Simon Anciaux
Ginger Bill also made an intro to C.
I am new here. I am going to start from Monday 26th here in India. What I want to know is two th…
N Setobol
Casey always says don't worry about catching up. I'm only on day 34.
Casey Muratori
Yeah I don't really know why it's defined the way it's defined. We use a utility function for ac…
Ironically, looking back at episode #288, it used to be defined as "entity *Array[16]". Which is …
Well, any deference of the Array member will result in garbage data. If you aren't actually doing…
Casey Muratori
I'm not sure what bug you're reporting here, though? Unless I'm mis-remembering, we do not use A…
As a proof of concept, I wrote this little test program: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 …
I believe that I have spotted a bug in the code. I'm not a paying member who can report on the gi…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, it is other way around. Instead of compiler making unoptimized builds slow, it does really h…
Bill Strong
How comfortable did you feel with writing the C# Unity game? Do you get programming? If the answ…
Bill Strong
So what Casey writes is code that fits his mental model of the CPU. Unless he is a super genius a…
Casey has said that his code is more or less aligned to how the hardware works? So why is the un-…
Hello! I just found this project and instantly fell in love with it. It was exactly what I was lo…
Allen Webster
Yeah this is a known issue in 4.0.11 that a few people have already reported. It is fixed in the…
I have these keys bound to the builtin command write_and_auto_tab, all with MDFR_NONE: 1'\t','}',…
Casey Muratori
Yes, that seems reasonable, if you don't hear any artifacts with that (sometimes you can hear per…
As you said in day 330, I agree that calculating sin/cos once per sample is too expensive. I actu…
A way to select the audio device would be cool too. Something similar to
Great talk! Also makes me very glad I'm not working in the web space; it sounds like total madness!
Added [code] and you sir are money! mmozeiko To force it to use unicode CRT entry point pass "…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Please put your code in [ code ] tags, otherwise your post is very hard to read. My guess it tha…
Hi, I am trying to set up a situation like the SDLs SDLMain2.lib, where a user can link to a .li…
It's designed to be consumed at your own, individualized pace. I would guard against the "Catchin…
Resonance frequency of a crystal depends on the geometry of the crystal as well. So it's been c…
Probably the most stupid question: Quartz crystals oscillate at 32768 times a second. Short inte…
My advice is to stay at it and always practice. I view handmade hero as more of a real class than…
Benjamin Arnaud
Dear HMN member, MotionBox is a big project and I currently focus on torrent streaming and video…
Benjamin Arnaud
Dear HMN community, MotionBox is a big project built for the community. It's Free Software dedic…