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Handmade Network»Feed
Juan Prada
So, I have been looking through the source code recently trying to understand the Asset system im…
Awesome, thanks!
Mārtiņš Možeiko
This message means you have modified current source file and haven't rebuilt binary. MSVC debugge…
I have "handmade_temp" and "Win32_HandMade_hero.exe" listed in modules with symbols loaded for bo…
Sergio González
It would be nice to have it so that panels can be popped-out of the main window, and also popped-…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Have you modified how build.bat manages pdb files & lock file handling is happening? Did wind…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I think we call it memory arenas. Wikipedia calls it Region-based memory management
I looked around for a thread about this before posting, but apologies in advance if this is a dup…
So, I´ve just migrate to Windows 10 and VS Comunity and things are a little wierd with life codin…
The problem is that this idea of writing software that just *runs good enough* has found it's way…
One thing that may help is distributed hashing. It's originally meant for P2P systems where nodes…
Hey just a quick update on this. CLion does not report bugs properly in unity builds, which makes…
Abner Coimbre
ishanatmuz Is there a way to register to threads on the forum to be notified via email, when some…
Huge thanks to everyone for answering my queries. One more question: Is there a way to register …
Thomas Kingsvik
I know it sounds trite, but doing a bunch of programming on your own is paramount to developing c…
Oh yeah! it works!! thank you very much Allen. And thank you for your amazing work!
Ginger Bill
Latest Demo: push_allocator & Minimal Dependency Building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_L…
Allen Webster
You should be able to change font size in the regular version as well. The only method that exis…
Hello everyone, just a simple question. Do i need the "super" version of 4coder in order to beein…
Learning OpenGL by Making A Game Engine Some thoughts from a blog I started but have since sort …
Allen Webster
I am coming in on Friday and Leaving on Monday.
Abner Coimbre
ratchetfreak I disagree with suggesting K&R as anything except a historical reference. The C …
jb99 Not looking for answers particularity here although any and all advice is welcome but wonder…
Pumpkin Sauce
I have a dual monitor setup and it would be really helpful to me if i could move the panels(layer…
I disagree with suggesting K&R as anything except a historical reference. The C used there is…
John Burton
I've been writing c++ professionally for quite a few years now and for work I'm expected to write…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
You cannot use MAC addresses for that. MAC addresses are not visible outside of "local" network (…
One think I would like to do is use communicate over the network using the MAC address of the 'se…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
We solved this on IRC chat. Code pasted here was not very accurate to what really was used in re…