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Handmade Network»Feed
Shazan Shums
I there a way to learn about rendering techniques without math background from zero knowledge?
Abner Coimbre
Mór Now I'm thinking of trying CLion Windows on Linux using Wine. Dear god. I think the path of l…
Kim Hi Zyberg I have been following the show on Linux all the way. I started using David Gow's H…
I'm probably going to be coming in Thursday and leaving on Monday, not 100% sure yet though.
David Owens II
ApoorvaJ Sean, owensd, I did something similar with the current undo system in Papaya, but havi…
Bill Strong
A couple of random thoughts. First, the way you describe your node system, you only really need…
Ralph Brorsen
A couple of thoughts. I like what nothings is saying about splitting into layers. It's the approa…
Apoorva Joshi
Sean, Thanks a lot for pitching in. Much appreciated. :) Exposing the bottom-most layer as an i…
Sean Barrett
GreenLightning Do you want to support custom nodes? In most scenarios I find custom-node type st…
Allen Webster
CaptainKraft It seems like unions can accomplish what you need with the API. Of course, that may…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Which day are you running? If it is before day 324 then this can sometimes happen because of dri…
Do you want to support custom nodes? nothings == Unrelated comments Tools like Photoshop prett…
David Owens II
If we just take a literal representation of your description, you could end up with something tha…
Sean Barrett
People reading this, just because you respect my work, please don't take my comments here as a fi…
Jeremiah Goerdt
APoorvaJ I need to have different kinds of nodes - e.g. BitmapNode, HueSatNode, VectorNode, etc. …
Hi Casey, has the speaker list been finalized yet?
Apoorva Joshi
I have a design problem that seems well-suited to OOP, but I want a clean C implementation. I'd l…
Benjamin Pedersen
I cannot get any textures from hha-files to display. I am running win32_handmade.exe from the sam…
Mike T
That's really cool! I am also working on a debugger (for Linux), and it's nice to see a real work…
Juan Prada
No, I think you are right. I think I had a brain fart of some sort. Sorry for the noise
Andrew Chronister
Interesting stuff! I'm kind of a on-again off-again C# user -- the language is pretty nice, and g…
Allen Webster
That's all good stuff! I would definitely need one or two more levels of code awareness, and a f…
Casey Muratori
I'm not sure I follow you on the logic here. In the case you describe, wouldn't 1if(Immediate |…
Oswald Hurlem
So, one of the things I have to do with my game is change some of the types so that global positi…
James Widman
Hi all, So, I have an issue with traditional text editors & code browsers that presents a re…
Abner Coimbre
I hope everyone's enjoying the start of the spooky month. Expect the Handmade Dev Monthly News in…
Thank you so much everybody for all the answers I am so glad to meet all you great developers