Handmade Network»Feed
1. I would always suggest replacing string.h functions with the max-byte counterparts. Unless you…
Thanks for the reply Casey! I'm happy to have fixed sizes on all of the runtime-generated string…
Kyle Devir
Ah, okay. I'll repost these in an email, with further information.
Hey all I'm new to Visual Studio, the forums, and HMH! This is my first post, but it's a fairly…
Casey Muratori
1) How do you check if a tetrahedron contains the origins. You are correct in your thoughts on th…
Casey Muratori
"Strings" is not so much the issue most of the time, but rather "things which change size vs. thi…
James Wells
I recently came across Casey's wonderful video explaining almost all of the algorithm. https://ww…
Long time viewer, first time poster here. Somehow it's been about 300 episodes and all this time…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Next time show exact error message from linker ("error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol: _blah…
Simon Morgan
Well, as soon as I posted that I spotted the problem: 1#define XinputGetState XInputGetState_ …
Simon Morgan
So I've typed in the XInput dynamic loading code in (AFAIK) verbatim, but I get the following com…
Randy Gaul
Figured it out! I had just forgot to wrap the entire file in an 1extern "C" declaration. Thank …
Abner Coimbre
cmuratori What happens June 1st? The deed is done.
Allen Webster
Huh interesting. I the two segfaults you mentioned may or may not be fixed, both of those system…
Randy Gaul
mmozeiko Including windows.h is only for compiler. When compiler compiles code that calls functio…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Including windows.h is only for compiler. When compiler compiles code that calls functions (yours…
I'm on GMT, so 12:00 PST is 19:00 for me. That works - if it's between 12 - 2pm PST I'll tune in …
There are most likely lib statements that signal to the linker that a certain lib is needed.
Oswald Hurlem
What's a good time for you two to watch a stream? Just about any time after noon PST any day work…
Randy Gaul
I'm trying to compile without including Windows.h from this idea by mmozieko. Making miniwin.h we…
Bill Strong
The spambot gets rewritten/converted to the Church of COD (Compression Oriented Design.)
Casey Muratori
What happens June 1st? - Casey
That's really impressive - is that top shot running 67fps? That's a really impressive number of v…
Thanks for the useful feedback! I know I haven't given much information yet (the project is still…
Abner Coimbre
Randy Gaul I think the spambot is cute. Please don't ban the poor thing! One more night. Then it…
Abner Coimbre
Added to feature list. We of course have means to ban and deal with spam; it'll be easy to expose…
Randy Gaul
I think the spambot is cute. Please don't ban the poor thing!
Bill Strong
Now now, this could be a cry for help! The spam bot is having an existential crisis, from all th…
Kyle Devir
- Attempting to kill a buffer that isn't saved, with any choice, has a high chance of causing a s…
Lachlan Easton
So there's a rather odd educational spam bot that recently showered a thread with links to OOP do…