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Handmade Network»Feed
Simon Anciaux
If you don't show the window first, than all the sizes are the same. But this doesn't help. After …
No, rect and smallRect differ because SetWindowPos includes the drop shadow to the size you pass i…
Simon Anciaux
I'm sorry if I don't understand correctly, but if you have a "desired size" for the window, why do…
Yeah, sorry for being unclear. Let's say I have a desired size (not counting the drop shadow) for …
Simon Anciaux
You want to create a window, with a client area big enough to encapsulate another window (includin…
Can You show any benchmark? any real proof thats LLVM is slow?
So I used the function DwmGetWindowAttribute(wnd, DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS, &rect, sizeof(RECT)…
Wait, so the entire white border represents how big the drop shadow is and the reason I think it's…
Simon Anciaux
If you put your window against a white background, take a screenshot and measure at which distance…
But the size is way too big for the drop shadow, don't you think?
Simon Anciaux
From the GetWindowRect doc In Windows Vista and later, the Window Rect now includes the area occup…
For some reason, the AdjustWindowRect returns a bigger rect than I want. Here's an image of 2 wind…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
By "unpredictable check" you mean "unpredictable branch" ? There will be no branch. It will compil…
flags |= (value ? A : 0) is what I ended up doing, but isn't a runtime unpredictable check slower …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Why do you want flag position to be compile time value? Classically you would typically do this: T…
Simon Anciaux
Maybe there is a better way but this seems to work (only if you pass it a enum label or a number l…
In C, it's common to declare an enum as a bunch of flags: Is there any way to get back the flag's …
Oh this is already being tracked on github, nevermind
Updated release of RemedyBG,, is now available for download from itch.io. Add Event Filter…
When I hit a breakpoint or break with F12, upon pressing F5 to continue, the process resumes execu…
2nd Week update -day 10 to 15 are now available in the repository
Bits Please
Martins, you're the man. Thank you very much for your assistance. It works perfectly now!
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Turns out you don't need that RequestAccessAsync. Everything is works without it, you just need co…
Bits Please
I see... So, basically, I need to create something like this: And then call RequestAccessAsync() w…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I'd expect that part of adding thing to manifest file does not matter for desktop application. Tha…
Bits Please
That was quite an oversight on my part, thank you for putting me on the right track. Now, is there…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
The Remarks section mentions what you need to do for this to work - you first need to request perm…
Bits Please
Hey Martins! Quick question: How do I remove the yellow border that always appears when the record…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Ah, you're right - even const is not enough for it. It's still not a "constant" initializer from C…