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Handmade Network»Feed
Benjamin Kloster
The first line I understand, we're just 'mapping' X_INPUT_... to call the Windows function, [...]…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Sure, whatever works for you is good. I just find it weird - to use Linux to build Windows code t…
Johan Öfverstedt
jon_valdes Precision of the sine operation in Intel processors is actually pretty bad when the nu…
UplinkCoder XInputGetState_ is a function pointer. that function pointer is assigned the address …
Evan Shaw
Mingw would also work, but I used winegcc because it builds a native Linux binary and it's instal…
Stefan Koch
XInputGetState_ is a function pointer. that function pointer is assigned the address of the stub …
Stefan Koch
sorry no twitch stream. I am too sick today.
Hi guys. I'm wondering if someone could be kind enough to explain what's going on for the X_INPU…
Jon Valdes
Precision of the sine operation in Intel processors is actually pretty bad when the numbers are b…
Johan Öfverstedt
I will rewatch the videos later tonight and produce a more detailed review. One thing that immedi…
Stefan Koch
Thanks for watching! I'd like to hear a bit of constructive criticism. Regards, Stefan
Kaveh Tabar
Thanks for the help.
First, I agree you can make perfectly good games with high(er)-level languages. But even then, kn…
Johan Öfverstedt
I would love to watch this series unfold. Too bad about the cold in the first videos, these are t…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, you can use intellisense together with build.bat for building. To do that create new Makefi…
Ah indeed you are perfectly right. The increment can occur at any time during the evaluation of t…
Kaveh Tabar
so I've been using visual studio as my editor, but unless i create a new visual studio project i …
Awais Ahmad
Oh I would so love to watch that. Right now I am a little behind on Caseys video series so I need…
Awais Ahmad
I think its more a matter of style, rather than hate or despise for Higher level Languages. Some …
Stefan Koch
Removed the links to the videos I will do proper videos later :)
Jeff Buck
I've created two repositories up on Github with my Mac OS X ports of Handmade Hero. They incorpor…
Dafydd Brown
I think the word "Hate" does not apply here. I don't presume to speak for anyone, this is my own…
Casey Muratori
Was the OP directed at me, or at the Handmade Hero viewers in general? I wasn't sure if I was me…
Casey Muratori
The answer is that only graphics is expensive to "reformat", so it's actually the only one you ca…
Awais Ahmad
TY :) I will try and test it as soon as I get back home :) Will let you know tomorrow how the tes…
Uberstedt Troncoso If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter. Literally the only thing the game is d…
Johan Öfverstedt
Troncoso If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter. Literally the only thing the game is doing is fi…
If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter. Literally the only thing the game is doing is filling sta…
Johan Öfverstedt
BlueMagic So, I'm lagging a bit behind on the stream. I just finished Day 011, where Casey explai…
Ron Sokolovsky
Personally I don't see Casey's attitude as hateful, but rather nostalgic. Like the teaser promo -…