We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
Handmade Network»Forums»Site Feedback
Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
Feedback Lists: Please README first
Edited by Andrew Chronister on Reason: site search v1
Hallo heroes and heroines!

Before leaving feedback by opening a new thread in the Site Feedback sub-forum, please consult the lists in this post to see if the feedback you would like to leave has already been left.

Following Won's observation that a megathread may not be the best way to gather feedback, we opened this Site Feedback sub-forum to start to organise the feedback a little better. Same process as before except that, instead of posting a reply to a thread, we open a new thread in the sub-forum. In addition, until we have the ability to close or move threads between (sub-)forums, or until we open up the GitLab Issues list to public access, the lists in this post aim to be the place to look before reporting a bug / requesting a feature to see if it has already been reported. Once the new moderation tools arrive or we move to the GitLab Issues, this list will be superseded by them.

Preferred report format:
Page URL:
Description of issue:
Browser + version: (e.g. Firefox 41 or Chrome Canary or IE 5.5)

The lists of Bug Reports, Feature Requests and Resolved Issues:
Bug Reports
Timezone is being used incorrectly
"Short description" is getting fi...on posts made on ones own project
Laggy editor in Safari, caused by CSS
Subheading alignment is incorrect in mobile view
Colours of uploaded images change
TTFB is ~1 sec
No error message if image upload fails
"None" signatures get displayed
Description Length Limit Miscalculated
Insufficiently truncated previews in recent posts list

Feature Requests – Please also see the "How do I do X?" Thread for features pushed back 'til after launch
Login by email / login not repeated
Custom emotes
Image reordering on project page
Better support for high-DPI displays, more here
Nicer previews during profile editing
Delete, Move or Close Threads
Forum / Blog post attachments
Collapsable quote blocks
Notify people by @mention'ing them in forum posts
User Spam Reporting
List of Streamers

Resolved – If you are still experiencing any of these, please file a new report
Site search. For now this constructs the proper site:search url and redirects you to google in a new tab
size tag not showing a difference when previewing a post
Eye strain due to "Matrix"-esque background image throughout the site
Alphabetic sort not useable
More discoverable second page of projects
Registration page refreshes and clears fields if validation fails
Bigger Miblo support text
Author Link Not Showing on 'Forums' Page
Preview post
Editor silently devours HTML tags
Hierarchical quotes don't work
Authorless quotes broken
Malformed html when replying to topics with "quotation" marks in them
Positioning new blog post button
Blog posts with >1 page of comments are broken
Problems with the "Quote" button
Quoted username links on reply po...page rather than original message
Wrong link on reply form
Uploading files fails with "413 Request Entity Too Large"
Updated Titles don't Update on Preview Posts
Clicking "Post New Thread" button...ecifying title deletes your draft
Menu bar elements cannot be clicked in Firefox Beta (Windows)
BBCode broken tags
No reply button
Case-sensitive username
IRC info
Preview posts display incorrect layout
Visual break in the activity feed
Scroll bar incorrectly positioned on the homepage
Broken link when on the final page of a thread
Splash screen menu bar elements c...upon hover on smaller resolutions
Registration button on login page not working
Real name removal results in not being listed as a developer
Images seeming too big for the new theme
size tag is not working
Too much space around sections se...parsed into br rather than p tags
Handmade Hero "Game" sub-forum is missing its earliest post
URL scheme mismatch
Last post date link doesn't work
empty-avatar.svg ought to be served from the https address
Ridiculous megathread
Ugly red rectangles around backslashes in code tags
Updating a post requires manually refreshing of the page
Replies can only be made to ones own post (permission issue?)
Posts can be made on anyone's blog (i.e. other than ones own)
Project logos cannot be uploaded for any theme
Login link on the megathread doesn't work while logged out
Title of thread in page title
Redirect old forum URLs
Bug: Comments on Blog Posts Show Up As Recent Blog Posts
Long usernames overlap post titles
Incorrect URLs for lower page numbers of sub-forum threads
Posts' permalinks incorrectly mapped
Project URLs always link to their forums in the recent posts list
Language of project cannot be changed
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
Feedback Lists: Please README first
Miblo, you're a god
Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
Feedback Lists: Please README first
:DDD You and Jeroen are the real gods here!
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feedback Lists: Please README first
- Request: Thread title in page title
- Request: Redirect from old-style Handmade Hero URLs to the corresponding thread and member.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feedback Lists: Please README first
Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on
- Bug: Comments on Blog Posts Show Up As Recent Blog Posts
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feedback Lists: Please README first
So, why no visible bug fixes from me the past few days?

Well, I've set up a development environment for ChronalDragon and Miblo to use that's closer to the live environment.

Other than that I'm rewriting some of the backend code to pay off some technical debt in order to make fixing some of the bugs and adding some of the features less involved.

That's it. I've temporarily reassigned myself to some cruft-removal in order to speed things up down the line.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feedback Lists: Please README first
Well, a lot of bugs fixed in the past few days. Some woefully overdue, thanks to ^ the refactoring efforts in another branch of the code and some other reasons. Anyway, a blog post on the history of the site development and its up and downs will go up after the beta and it's getting closer by the day. :)

Thanks very much for all the effort reporting things as well as your patience.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feedback Lists: Please README first
I've just added a new feature to the website: post preview.

Whether you're writing a new blog or forum post, or are replying, commenting, or editing an existing post, preview will be available.
If you quote or edit a post, it'll even start you off with the appropriate preview without having to press another button.