Handmade Network»Feed
Antoine F.
Mr4thDimention For reload all buffers I would be curious how you made it work, but my preferred m…
Allen Webster
Really nice implementation. I might rip some of this and make an official version of this soon b…
Allen Webster
Thanks a lot for the feedback! I'll respond to some of the things I can most clarify and the bug…
Shazan Shums
Thanks for the info. And any theory to learn or should I just make tunes. And did Casey made hand…
Antoine F.
Hey, I thought it would be useful to do a little write-up after using 4coder for about 3 months. …
Jeremiah Goerdt
I like the style of your devlogs. It's a nice change from the norm. I'm also curious to see wher…
So, as I promised, I want to start showing the core libraries of the engine. I am not releasing l…
graeme fwiw i think c++ makes two mistakes--1) thinking types are hard to reason about, and treat…
fwiw i think c++ makes two mistakes--1) thinking types are hard to reason about, and treating the…
The code is pretty messy, and I didn't check to see if you already had string operations somewher…
Ryan Fleury
Maybe. ;) I'm still considering it and I'm finding some holes in the mechanic, unfortunately; a …
William Bundy
Ah, that was something I cut. Wirmpht generates prototypes for procedures, forward-declares stru…
For sound effects, check out BFXR http://www.bfxr.net/ For music, give Bosca Ceoil a try http://b…
Allen Webster
Hey everyone, I just recorded a series of several installments of the Cipher Drive project, the …
Arrived here for the same reason of the OP. Finally resolved using the start in combination with …
I don't think full-on code generation is the right choice for the simple things like generic cont…
Ginger Bill
If you can do you web programming in C, then Odin is even better for it. The problem is that Odin…
Ginger Bill
That idea of faking generics is quite clever and would be good enough to solve most problems that…
Hey just wanted to say I'm finally picking up this series again after buying source code over a y…
Thanks for sharing, I found this useful. Could you elaborate on how this tool you're making solve…
Jeroen van Rijn
I just watched it. Trying to turn everyone into synethesiasts? ;-) Interesting game mechanic, ind…
Ryan Fleury
Hey everyone! I just recently uploaded the third game devlog. I didn't get a whole lot done, as …
Jack Mott
Web dev isn't so bad if you have a team of ~3 people. Then one person can just do javascript/css…
Jack Mott
ratchetfreak you can check the textures end up in the right place/orientation using a debug textu…
So I just stumbled onto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl7mi9QmLns ... It basically shows that …
you can check the textures end up in the right place/orientation using a debug texture with color…
Jack Mott
wooo, I haven't verified if the stars are really in the right positions, but I just spewed a ton …
The syntax highlighter currently auto-detects the language inside the codeblock. However auto-det…
Perhaps something simple like "The game must compile in under 2 seconds".
Yeah, constraints are great, and I agree they boost creativity! Just suggesting we make them opt-…