Handmade Network»Feed
Casey Muratori
This is really interesting Martins... I will check it out! Maybe we can use it on stream... Tha…
Casey Muratori
Yes, in this case by "shippable" I just mean that we have not focused on things that the end user…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
memcpy could be faster because it supports only non-overlapping regions. memmove needs to test if…
Neo Ar
yeah Delix pointed that out to me on IRC earlier, not a good day for me with math ;) edit: oh al…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
@miotatsu: x/1.5 = x/(3/2) = x*2/3 = x*3/3-x/3 = x-x/3
Neo Ar
[s]Why did you change the growth factor from 1.5 to 2 and linear instead of exponential?[/s] 2 is…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Your code in _da_insert will do one memcpy too much. You need to start with size-1 index, not wit…
Ryan Fleury
@mmozeiko 1. Ah, right; wasn't thinking about this. Implemented this change. 2. Wasn't sure abo…
Ryan Fleury
@insofaras Thanks! Also yeah, that would be a great feature; I'll implement that. Also, you're …
Anton Swifton
Good point, thanks.
Allen Webster
I have a Pi and I've been wanting to get 4coder on it, but I don't think the time is right for it…
Alex Baines
I believe the Linux 4coder port should already compile for 32-bit x86 (and probably ARM, but I ha…
This one should be easier then OSX I suppose. Hopefully it's just a compile for ARM (what do i kn…
Jeroen van Rijn
I just downloaded the project and I've found a few problems in the tutorial. The name of the dir…
Ben Anderson
ratchetfreak, mrmixer Thanks so much for taking the time and sharing your knowledge on this. Ben
Alex Baines
Looks pretty good, one thing I might miss from stb's stretchy buffer though is sb_add. 1memcpy(sb…
Anton Swifton
Before exploring possibilities for speeding up the computations in Tile Machine, I decided to add…
Neo Ar
Why are you realloc'ing in the pop? RIP performance if you want to have a way to shrink the cap …
k2t0f12d My advice. Don't. As someone who works as a web developer I would say listen to this ad…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
1. Don't use double where using just integers is enough. _da_raw(*array)[1] += _da_raw(*arra…
Ryan Fleury
Hey everyone! As a start to my journey in programming in a more handmade fashion, I decided to t…
My advice. Don't. The "web" as perceived with a browser was invented by a computer scientist as a…
Simon Anciaux
@Ben J Anderson : you're correct. To summarize: - In a single run of the program you never want …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Ben J Anderson I would have thought only doing a new non-fixed VirtualAlloc after doing the dump…
Ben Anderson
Thank you! That's what I thought could happen. However correct me if I'm wrong, but since the B…
Simon Anciaux
It's also because the looped live code, writes the memory to disk (the first frame of the recordi…
Ben J Anderson Thanks for the reply! I understand that this is a good reason to use the fixed …