Handmade Network»Feed
I'm working to the engine since september, (of course just pure C++ from scratch as the handmade …
This is an interesting question. As a gameplay programmer, I work within existing game engines (c…
Rayalan Kenyon
I think the way you're handling the terminal is fine, but I think you _need_ to be able to execut…
Jack Mott
I use C#/F# at work, and for many of my side projects as well. I actually like them both a lot. …
Jack Mott
profile it? It lists update at 1ms, render at 3ms. That should be 250 fps.
Todd I love all the points here. I think the big question is, is it possible to have a programmin…
Jeroen van Rijn
greywolve Hey guys, I do web programming in my day job in Clojure (a LISP that runs on the JVM).…
lclhstr, Well feel free to always talk about it here or vent to me; it's welcome. I agree with …
greywolve There's even an issue on the github repo for that. "We need to improve the performance…
I love all the points here. I think the big question is, is it possible to have a programming job…
Oliver Powell
That's just crazy, I had a good laugh now. That's actually worse than leftpad, haha. Things like…
greywolve That's an awesome resource, thanks for sharing. Bookmarked. :) Just what I've been look…
Oliver Powell
That's an awesome resource, thanks for sharing. Bookmarked. :) Just what I've been looking for ac…
Oliver, I agree! And yes I found this site quite handy for that: https://plainjs.com/ They have…
Oliver Powell
Hey Todd, Thanks for the reply. Nginx is always a good choice. :) I'm hoping that Django is a mi…
Hey Oliver, I'm not the webmaster here but I just checked BuiltWith and Netcraftwhere you can se…
Hey Rayalan, I agree that everything should be fast. Recently I added auto-completion and jump…
Oliver Powell
I'm a Clojure programmer by day. Many parts of the language do embody these ideas. It's a breat…
Oliver Powell
I use Clojure at work (A functional LISP that runs the JVM), and do mostly web stuff. It's pleasa…
Oliver Powell
Hey guys, I do web programming in my day job in Clojure (a LISP that runs on the JVM). I also ha…
Rayalan Kenyon
Who and how many of you even use Go? I have never used Go, but I would be willing to try it. Wha…
Casey Muratori
louisr the career stories videos urged me to make an account here and the content is very enjoyab…
Hey Casey and HMH, I've been subscribed your Youtube channel for a few months. I admit I have no…
++ Bring back the old game jams
Delix @Abner I think a handmade competition similar to Ludum Dare would be fantastic; perhaps ev…
Ryan Fleury
@Abner I think a handmade competition similar to Ludum Dare would be fantastic; perhaps every fe…
At University I was penalized for writing my own data structures in a Data Structures class. Call…
Abner Coimbre
You know, There's a good reason we promote personal software projects on this website. After al…
I'm new here, but I'll give the question a stab. My day-to-day work consists of writing a lot of…
As pragmatic_hero amusingly suggests :') it's best to take a pragmatic approach to all of this. T…