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Handmade Network»Feed
Simon Anciaux
Thanks for your time, good luck and bye.
Abner Coimbre
Ryan you've been a force for good for Handmade Network, and I hope you'll stick around just as I h…
Ryan Fleury
Handmade Network is different from other software development communities. We promote philosophies…
I prefer how the original Deus Ex did storytelling by separating between the deeply nested storyte…
If using lots of third party libraries as a dependency for a standard library, you will have a lot…
Simon Anciaux
The screenplay format, in my opinion, is likely to be more engaging than walls of text, since dial…
In the case of a text-driven story experience, dialogue will likely come first. The screenplay for…
Simon Anciaux
There probably isn't a lot of fiction writer in these forums, as they are mainly about programming…
I recently watched the interview by "The No-Frauds Club" with Casey Muratori, and he discussed at …
Web languages that transpile to JavaScript and only run on the latest browsers, have a lot higher …
Yes, I'm sticking to 2D because 3D is completely over my head. Everything is made of triangles? Ho…
Art work is my main problem! I use a paint program, IrfanView, to draw bitmaps, which I think is g…
Should I start posting in Work In Progress? I'm not providing Site Feedback...
I tried one of those game engines; it started me out with a single mesh island where I could drag …
The more I use fat struct for my entity system, the more I love it. Just saying each flag correspo…
Thanks for the clarification Martins! I didn't know about AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_AUTOCONVERTPCM, that…
Ya, I really like some of their blog posts. The more recent one on debugging is cool. Overall the …
You are re-inventing the game engine. There is nothing wrong with doing that for learning exercise…
When nobody else reinvents game engines, you soon realize that it's not that difficult to do bette…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
UDP is a better choice for games Depends on game type. If you're doing turn based strategy game, o…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
You can pass AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_AUTOCONVERTPCM flag to Initialize() and will automatically conver…
I'm trying to implement a WASAPI backend for Windows and I saw this thread from earlier with this …
To communicate between you and another computer over the Internet you use sockets. Sockets general…
Thank you, Asaf ! I now have my avator. My Discord is messed up; says my email is already taken. I…
Asaf Gartner
Welcome. Our discord is at (link also on the top right of the page here). You can upload an avata…
Just signed up on handmade.network, see that I'm supposed to use Discord to communicate, but can't…
Asaf Gartner
If you want a full web browser in your game, you can use CEF.
Simon Anciaux
You don't use both the ADD and REM macro for the same field. It's one or the other. When you add a…
That's my point! Because REM expands to nothing, the removed field is still there! // Later struc…