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Handmade Network»Feed
Macoy Madson
This post is mirrored on my blog. In order to effectively write applications that communicate via …
I use vs code and launch it using a debug.bat file from the working directory. @echo off remedybg …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
That sounds like the working directory is simply different from what you expect. Usually you don't…
Just to close this issue. Seems like it was just a matter of fully qualifying some file paths. It …
Amin Mesbah
Website: Code Depot: Woefully neglected, especially now that I need to figure out whether I can …
I'm personally down with the idea, but I can't really see why corporations would prefer hosting on…
Ryan Fleury
It's no problem. Yeah, that's right - I am not blocking access to those who don't have a website, …
Ryan Fleury
In case it wasn't clear in the original post, I am not interested in having a discussion about whe…
I have my own git server without any web interface with SSH access. The biggest problem with acces…
Now itch.io accepts payments by bank card via Stripe, which some countries do not support, for exa…
This resonates so much for me. I've been thinking along these lines for a long time and have been …
Ryan Fleury
I just wrote a post about self-hosting Git repositories, corporate abuse of FOSS, and liberty-firs…
I see ryan's thing as part of a more general (macro less!) idea, where instead of interpreting for…
Simon Anciaux
Your "defer" example looks more like "exception" handling than what I think of a defer statement. …
Well, the thing polymorphism is giving you is a way to leave unanswered the question of how many p…
Tobias Wolf
I'd say memory management is one of the least important things when beginning. You can go a huge w…
The best and most original games usually come from quick prototyping with placeholder graphics and…
Thanks. This sounds interesting: how would you implement a ray tracer without polymorphism?
From some of the initial questions you asked it seems like you need a better low level programming…
Christoffer Lernö
In C3 optionals are built into the language. They're not the run of the mill optionals as they car…
Simon Anciaux
You can have a look at Ginger Bill's articles on memory allocations strategies . The idea is that …
I have recently come across this community and the concepts of making games from scratch (I have r…
Hi aidoru, This may be a pasting issue, but make sure you add a '' in between 'misc' and '.emacs'…
Simon Anciaux
I believe that at the moment there isn't a way to go to the site blog () other than going on the h…
Simon Anciaux
You can bind this function to your { key. And create similar functions for other keys. Customizati…
Is it possible to make 4coder automatically close brackets, braces, parenthesis, etc. If so how wo…
Simon Anciaux
I can't really help you with emacs, but if you're trying to use it just to follow handmade hero, k…
Hello, sorry but it doesn't work, I already had fonts, anyway I replaced using the fonts downloade…
Hello, I know it is an old post, but I have the same problem, so which fonts is Casey using? How t…
Hello, I have some problems using .emacs file while launch Emacs, I started Emacs using: c:\Progra…