This post is mirrored on my blog. In order to effectively write applications that communicate via …
I use vs code and launch it using a debug.bat file from the working directory. @echo off remedybg …
That sounds like the working directory is simply different from what you expect. Usually you don't…
Just to close this issue. Seems like it was just a matter of fully qualifying some file paths. It …
Website: Code Depot: Woefully neglected, especially now that I need to figure out whether I can …
I'm personally down with the idea, but I can't really see why corporations would prefer hosting on…
It's no problem. Yeah, that's right - I am not blocking access to those who don't have a website, …
In case it wasn't clear in the original post, I am not interested in having a discussion about whe…
I have my own git server without any web interface with SSH access. The biggest problem with acces…
sqdrck —
Now accepts payments by bank card via Stripe, which some countries do not support, for exa…
This resonates so much for me. I've been thinking along these lines for a long time and have been …
I just wrote a post about self-hosting Git repositories, corporate abuse of FOSS, and liberty-firs…
graeme —
I see ryan's thing as part of a more general (macro less!) idea, where instead of interpreting for…
Your "defer" example looks more like "exception" handling than what I think of a defer statement. …
graeme —
Well, the thing polymorphism is giving you is a way to leave unanswered the question of how many p…
I'd say memory management is one of the least important things when beginning. You can go a huge w…
The best and most original games usually come from quick prototyping with placeholder graphics and…
Thanks. This sounds interesting: how would you implement a ray tracer without polymorphism?
Jason —
From some of the initial questions you asked it seems like you need a better low level programming…
In C3 optionals are built into the language. They're not the run of the mill optionals as they car…
You can have a look at Ginger Bill's articles on memory allocations strategies . The idea is that …
I have recently come across this community and the concepts of making games from scratch (I have r…
Hi aidoru, This may be a pasting issue, but make sure you add a '' in between 'misc' and '.emacs'…
I believe that at the moment there isn't a way to go to the site blog () other than going on the h…
You can bind this function to your { key. And create similar functions for other keys. Customizati…
Is it possible to make 4coder automatically close brackets, braces, parenthesis, etc. If so how wo…
I can't really help you with emacs, but if you're trying to use it just to follow handmade hero, k…
aidoru —
Hello, sorry but it doesn't work, I already had fonts, anyway I replaced using the fonts downloade…
aidoru —
Hello, I know it is an old post, but I have the same problem, so which fonts is Casey using? How t…
aidoru —
Hello, I have some problems using .emacs file while launch Emacs, I started Emacs using: c:\Progra…