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Handmade Network»Feed
In addition to the previous two changes I made in the last post, I've also just created these two…
Another two in case anyone is interested. First of all here is a simple one, delete line: 1 2…
Sergio González
I could replicate the problem by creating a new user with some non-US characters in the name. Re…
I'm still on 4.0.6 super, but I think kill-rect is going to convert me real soon.
Mr4thDimention Lucas89, not sure if you saw it, but the power version does have functions for pla…
Pumpkin Sauce
Yes, my username is actually in Greek. It's very possible that it would be it - since I've came…
Oswald Hurlem
I'll stream Friday at noon this week. For the past week I've been working to make it so the terr…
Oswald Hurlem
xcodedave What Minecraft has looks like faked ambient-occlusion baking, but what I mean is faked …
Sergio González
Thanks for reporting! Seems like Milton can't access the AppData directory. If you go to %appda…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Afaik EASTL was made at least 9 years ago. C/C++ compilers improved a lot since then.
Allen Webster
Nice! That's a lot of really cool stuff. Lucas89, not sure if you saw it, but the power version…
mmozeiko Should you use this instead of inline? No, not really. Compiler most of the times knows …
aidanb They're simple warnings to fix, so they should probably be cleaned up by Sean at some poin…
Sorry I just realized this was already answered in the poorly titled thread "What am I doing wron…
I have warnings as errors enabled in Visual Studio, and I'm getting a few type conversion errors,…
Pumpkin Sauce
Windows 8.1, 64bit When I run Milton.exe I get the following message "The default canvas could…
And a few more for moving the mark like a normal cursor: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 …
Yet another one. Duplicate line: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21…
I found the function jumping a useful replacement for page up/down. The block selection function …
I can't find it :< Edit: Doh! I thought you found the _feature_ not the thread proclaiming th…
Kyle Devir
Great to hear of your progress, Andreas! :)
Mārtiņš Možeiko
From compiler perspective there is very little benefit. Especially if you are using unity build. …
xelNitram Here are some functions I wrote to jump to next/previous functions (assuming you keep a…
Good to hear it's given you an idea :) Now, another one: One of the plugins for Sublime allowed…
Here are some functions I wrote to jump to next/previous functions (assuming you keep all your fu…
Thanks for the awesome reply. It's very thorough and informative. I'm not too worried about my s…
I happened to watch the intro video today... And exactly 2:00 into the video I saw the broken he…
Casey Muratori
At this point I mostly just use "inline" as a force of habit to notate a function I presume to be…
Jay Waggle
Some follow-up questions I have on this topic: What kind of benefit is there for choosing to mar…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
For optimization purposes "inline" keyword really doesn't matter. Modern compilers don't use "inl…