Handmade Network»Feed
Jeremiah Goerdt
tienery Just recently, a Co-optional Podcast episode by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger invol…
Gianluca Alloisio
As someone said: procedural generation is not random generation. Saying that using procedural gen…
ChronalDragon Just pushed a pretty major change, including page layout changes and stylesheet cha…
Andrew Chronister
Just pushed a pretty major change, including page layout changes and stylesheet changes, and the …
FalconJon * It seems at the moment (or forever) the size of arrays only be determined at compile…
Andrew Chronister
mrmixer The "Log in to reply" link a the bottom of the page is barely visible on the light theme.…
I've been trying to do a few code examples in Odin, just to see how I might code some things in t…
My bad, I didn't disable libphysfs for my release script. Thanks for taking the time to play it!
Daniel Hesslow
Great post! You can actually generate the unicode codepoint inside of the rawinput (and therefor…
Casey Muratori
It's just a shorthand for "the size that a pointer is". There's no rhyme or reason for it. The …
bimbinel Btw what does mm stand for? It's probably an adaptation from the meaningless MMX initia…
Btw what does mm stand for?
Gianluca Alloisio
I think this is relevant. In this thread it's explained how I store profiled sections with hot co…
Gianluca Alloisio
Kim We discussed it a while back in this thread. /Kim Uh, I didn't notice it, my bad. @mmozeiko…
Kim Jørgensen
We discussed it a while back in this thread. /Kim
Mārtiņš Možeiko
That's exactly what OP is saying on last line :) (edit)
Ahhh Allen this give me great pleasure to see that video. Know that your efforts are greatly a…
You have a stray ; after the WinMain function signature: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8int CALLBACK WinMain( H…
The reasoning I've seen is that it's not a macro because the function name isn't known at pre-pro…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I don't remember where, but I have read that the reason is for __func__ == __func__ expression to…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Next time when you post an error message, please post it fully - including line number which mach…
Hi all, I am trying to start following the tutorials from the start, I installed visual studio c…
Gianluca Alloisio
I've tried to find out why 1__func__ is defined as a variable and not as a literal. I've found …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Put breakpoint at start of Win32InitDSound function and start stepping to see if all if condition…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Using VirtualAlloc in 32-bit OS is perfectly fine. In fact on Windows that is pretty normal way h…
Allen Webster
I am 100% on board with that plan. And we're not the only ones (see here)! In fact, one of my b…
Shazan Shums
I think that in 32bit virtual allloc can only allocate maximum 2 GB of memory. And the base addre…
Juan Prada
Hi guys, I am going through day 158 of the Handmade Hero videos, and Casey is saying that it is p…
Shazan Shums
I compiled Day 359 source code but sound is not working how to fix it. Is this a bug or something…