Handmade Network»Feed
Simon Anciaux
The way I did 2d maps in one of my projects (a platformer): - start with a rough idea of what you…
Mustafa Al-Attar
Thanks for the video... and very nice work there BTW. I kinda have something similar to auto til…
Evolution of a Programmer High School / Junior High 1 2 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END First…
Ryan Fleury
I hate to plug my own content, but I actually implemented a few features in my tilemap editing sy…
Mustafa Al-Attar
Hello there... I would like to ask experienced game developers how long does it take to design a…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Oh right. I probably don't remember most of the stuff anymore that was explained in beginning of …
Minh Nguyen
Jesus, thank you so much. Whole day at work coding took a toll on me. Yeah that comment was right…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
The error is here:1 &bitmapMemory, StretchDIBits expects void* argument, basically a pointer…
Minh Nguyen
I'm having this weird problem where StretchDIBits() always return 0, in the debugger everything l…
joe513 (1) Any way to change the font size? I have noticed that as well while creating the new …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
You need to run shell.bat first. After that you can run build.bat.
Ben Merkel
I followed along with the video series for the first 12 episodes or so and was able to run everyt…
Stas Lisetsky
Ok this is demo 2, where I try to create a web page or something like that. So now you can actual…
For a pre alpha release this is looking pretty good! After using the standard gdb console for the…
I've created the mentioned video regarding saving configurations and the current ability for smal…
Andrew Reece
This is (a slightly simplified version of) how I currently draw my fully aliased (sic) lines. Th…
joe513 Great to see a debugger for Linux being released! Just signed up, look forward to trying i…
Great to see a debugger for Linux being released! Just signed up, look forward to trying it this …
well I missed the originally intended time by quite some hours but you gotta start somewhere. It …
Thanks for the elaborate answer. I reviewed your code and all that happens between thread creatio…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
1#ifndef UNITY_VECTORSunion VectorI2 That's not valid C. I don't understand difference between…
Jvac This looks really cool, it's still coming out tomorrow right? yes, the project is still on t…
Simon Anciaux
Here is the code (I removed everything related to the game). Search for window_create. 1 2 …
Dumitru Frunza
Thanks for sharing! Have used the technique here and here
Thanks, that's even better. Looks like I don't need the QUOTED macros either.
If you think writing a seperate header and including it repeatedly is clunky, you can also do the…
Despite programming in C/C++ for quite a while this technique never occurred to me. It's still qu…
Oswald Hurlem
Ordnance inbound. https://github.com/OswaldHurlem/OHUnityVector This is the math code I've been …
It surprises me that the slowdown is so significant (in fact, that there could be one at all). I …