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Yet another one. Duplicate line: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21…
I found the function jumping a useful replacement for page up/down. The block selection function …
I can't find it :< Edit: Doh! I thought you found the _feature_ not the thread proclaiming th…
Kyle Devir
Great to hear of your progress, Andreas! :)
Mārtiņš Možeiko
From compiler perspective there is very little benefit. Especially if you are using unity build. …
xelNitram Here are some functions I wrote to jump to next/previous functions (assuming you keep a…
Good to hear it's given you an idea :) Now, another one: One of the plugins for Sublime allowed…
Here are some functions I wrote to jump to next/previous functions (assuming you keep all your fu…
Thanks for the awesome reply. It's very thorough and informative. I'm not too worried about my s…
I happened to watch the intro video today... And exactly 2:00 into the video I saw the broken he…
Casey Muratori
At this point I mostly just use "inline" as a force of habit to notate a function I presume to be…
Jay Waggle
Some follow-up questions I have on this topic: What kind of benefit is there for choosing to mar…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
For optimization purposes "inline" keyword really doesn't matter. Modern compilers don't use "inl…
Just popping by to say that since last time I've gone back to the drawing board, done some thinki…
Andrew Reece
So I understand that internal/static removes the need for functions to be put into a symbol table…
Allen Webster
Nice! This gives me an idea for extending the cursor setting API so that you can do positions re…
Please add the camera on the side view. From the two new images it seems that from the camera vie…
roam00010011 you are right, but with limitations, from the sample you've shown, yes a comparison …
I've only been using 4coder for roughly a day so far, but was so impressed with it even in the al…
Casey Muratori
"Technical difficulty" in this case means roughly, "Casey uses his phone headset as the recording…
Casey Muratori
I haven't looked at the cases here to closely, but I believe once you go to an insertion sort wit…
Andrew Bromage
If you'll allow me a bit of self-indulgence for a moment... Sometimes I despair about the curren…
Since hmh I've been working on a variety of prototypes in my own engine. I use pointers all over …
Quoting myself (must be a new one), but I think I need a new thread for this. roam00010011 First…
you are right, but with limitations, from the sample you've shown, yes a comparison sort will not…
First apologies, I don't fully ask my questions as I mean them, so "full 3d sorting" is not sorti…
Casey Muratori
I don't know that there's any particular reason at the moment, but since that part of the code wi…
Casey Muratori
No, as I showed on last night's stream, you can easily construct cases where the closest point on…
But why? Do you also have an issue with saying "long long value = 0;" instead of, say, "long lon…
hello. i was wondering why did the Entity block data was an array of 1<<16 bytes and not a …