Handmade Network»Feed
Siew Yi Liang
Interesting, I just tried it at work on Linux (which has a newer i7-6850K CPU, but older GCC 4.8.…
Kirill Artemov
Oh damn, thanks everyone. I didn't need to export all symbols since I'm not building on windows r…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
No need to modify anything in source code. Just instruct linker to export all symbols. They are …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
It prints out almost the same times for me for ss or ps variant.
Hey Murry! Yeah, I know, actually it took me a while to took the decision of avoiding structs me…
Kirill Artemov
Not sure about object files, but you could simply compile box2d to its own shared library (.dll f…
The ss (single value, single precision) version needs to preserve the upper 3 values of the 4 val…
Siew Yi Liang
Wow, thanks for the quick replies! (And yea, I'm not very good at this sort of thing, as is appar…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
This is not how you do microbenchmarks. Compiler noticed that you are not using result of sqrt (e…
1 2squareRootSTL, COMDAT PROC jmp sqrtf This is literally a jump to the actual im…
Siew Yi Liang
(I'm pretty green when it comes to intrinsics and assembly in general) I was poking around the H…
Ryan Fleury
I say make a program that does whatever is useful, or what makes sense for the problem you're try…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Not sure about object files, but you could simply compile box2d to its own shared library (.dll f…
David Butler
If you don't care about API boundaries/layering and just want it to work, then compile the Box2d …
Kirill Artemov
I've managed to achieve some great success in my little game with hot reloading in a similar way …
Murry Lancashire
Awesome job man. I have one small suggestion for the cheatsheet page. The struct section doesn'…
Thanks for the explanations. For the list of extensions, if you use OpenGL 3.0 or above you shou…
Simon Anciaux
On Windows when you create an OpenGL context using the modern system (3.1 or up), you can pass a …
1) why does the implementations are so drastically different? (this is probably rhetorical but st…
So, I am currently at day 242, keeping up a good fight against OS X graphics API in order to make…
I like to follow the Unix Philosophy, but I don't agree that a big program is necessarily breakin…
Another raylib release is here: raylib 1.8. Again, several modules of the library have been rev…
Andrew Reece
Hello to anyone following this project! Project and blog updates have been a little delayed as I…
Mike Jackson
Hey Abner, My overall opinion of Clojure is mixed but positive. Clojure is quite an opinionated…
spx This is now fixed in 00.02.01-2. I try to do as much as possible using the keyboard (F4 and …
joe513 After trying 0.02.01 it is now displaying all struct members properly. Issue above has be…
After trying 0.02.01 it is now displaying all struct members properly. Issue above has been reso…
Well a few days late but 00.02.01 is finally here. Unfortunately a larger than expected portion o…
glad you made it work :D