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Skytrias | Michael Kutowski's Avatar
Skytrias | Michael Kutowski
Working on a node based Task Editor
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more rectcut "microui" fun - cut_mapping is the "file format" i had shown previously which changes the cutting properties used throughout the UI

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simple format to customize rect-cut layouting parameters - linked to a string name. easy to lookup through a map in code and makes imgui code a bit cleaner (ignore the code in the top-left, its just experimenting)

heres the thing so far:

// following format is used
UNIQUE_NAME DIRECTION px/unit margin gap

V = LEFT CUT 50/50 or custom range
H = TOP CUT 50/50 or custom range
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been implementing :rxi: 's cached renderer but with compute (&sdf) instead of software rendering. Efficient & Fast!

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been working on compute vector graphics rendering in OpenGL for a while now ~ its finally stable enough to show off.
the text is rendered using line/quadratic curves directly from the font
its based off of @ forkingpath metal implementation of the MPVG paper

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more work on the &todool multiplayer - switched to a CRDT like state based solution
the host only forwards messages to other clients and distributes client IDs

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giving &todool "multiplayer" an attempt again - 3 clients all sharing undo/redo state across the server

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having some fun implementing ryan's IMGUI + nanovg rendering

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reworked theme editor with a focus on randomization with roots & variation 🎨 &todool

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did a full port of NanoVG to odin, here is the demo 🎉

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minor additions: basic spell checking, better link support, task separator, single task highlight &todool

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Added simple zooming & Task Drag animation, added options to customize some visuals &todool

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Task children sorting options and per parent sort locking 🔥 &todool

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task dragging 🔥 drag outside the window or to the trash area to remove the task &todool

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multi select tasks with the mouse while holding shift 🎉 &todool also using vulkan now instead of GL

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tasks can have dates set + agenda mode to get an overview of each day &todool

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optimized global utf8 textbox, cut, copy & paste, topbar to select focus tree &todool

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mouse caret selection & a progress bar in kanban mode 🎉 &todool

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auto centering x / y based on render mode & more work on text boxes &todool

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2 instances of &todool sharing subtrees with each other over http 🔥 commit a tree -> other user can sync back to the recent tree or push his own optionally you can submit a read only tree

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color setting bar - modifies a line / selection by default when Apply is on or via command, can be used on other elements like tag colors 🎨 &todool

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reworked &todool recently to text lines + additional data 🎉 making my life simpler to implement more meaningful features

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testing out more automation - leave your thoughts &todool

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reimplemented a cool feature i had a while ago &todool 🎉

  • right mouse dragging task upwards / downards pops the task and its children out - place it in the trashbin or near another line
  • right mouse dragging task left <-> right shifts their indentation
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first day working fulltime on &todool 🎉

added a pomodoro tree today with a couple of looping options

  • work, short_break, long_break as editable timer nodes
  • looping can be ignored or turned on
  • repeat_count is the limit until the long_break starts
  • timer durations can be added to a line ~ still gotta flesh this out
  • break times can be included if you want them to count in as work time
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transitioned &todool to fully use RectCut imgui 🔥 its really nice, thanks goes out to rxi for suggesting it 😄

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working on time related features -> Stopwatch & Timer ⏲️ &todool

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made a prompt to spawn different sub node types instead of having to remember multiple commands 🔥 &todool

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task color outlining 🎨 when you want to highlight certain regions visually, often found in kanban &todool

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proper mouse selection, horizontal auto scrolling and a relayouting bug in the end :BestPractice: &todool

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cut & paste - now you can actually make use of import from code 💪

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implemented search, you can switch between parent scoped search and global document one

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works on folders now, optimized comment lookup speed, not going to support multiline strings for now

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sorry for the big upload import supports multi line comment queries now 🎉 someone suggested using this on the linux source ~ keep in mind this is single threaded 😅

trying out import from code where tags like // TODO can be extracted easily, what do you guys think?

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added keymap table'ish layouting back and split things up a bit 🔥

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shift up / down implemented back with undo / redo

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found a nice way to change states without having to interact with the text 😮

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command based undo history using a ring buffer for a limited size (i.e. 20 for testing)

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todool is getting a makeover, using flat arrays + handles, data belonging to the tree, roots like options, theme, keymap are used directly

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loading globals / specific view data with ease 🔥

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worked on a new de/serilization format for todool

  • ~50% smaller in size (binary)
  • read / write directly to tree
  • mem copying instead of text conversion
  • backwards compatible & extendible
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position + simulate mode 🔥 showing hover animation... triggered when hovering 😛

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handmade ui: small texture drawer, next up is animation, different textures per element state

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been exploring file formats / sql lately, implemented msgpack and am using it for a single table db i plan to use for my main structs in todool 🔥 in the vid you can see a small viewer i built, pretty much just table info + its columns with type slices

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wondering how task deletion should be handled:

  1. allowed, other selections will automatically jump out
  2. disallowed, cant be deleted
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custom renderer + WYSIWYG style copy of the selected tree

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back after a break, recording time can be allowed only during pomodoro (Work) run, adds time spent to a task (and its children)

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table movement is dope now - made the shortcut calls tree a table for easier call picking

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date node 🎉 really wanted this for changelogs 😛 tab toggles between modes

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task pointer (visual) fixes + basic mouse support

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reworked search, has its own keymap now and stupid profiler expanding 😛 also have my own server for discussion and more spam previews

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nothing crazy ~ key commands which shortcut early will be notified to the user by turning the cursor red

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worked on splits, tasks can be focused in their own splits, should fold levels be view / split independant?

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task lerps, cut tree, basic multi editing of same words (not sure if its useful)

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todool is now using vectorized rendering thanks to nanovg 💯 also tried out special string storage like trie, radix / suffix trees - conclusion is they're shitty to deal with and i dont think it's worth the effort

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search works great now, word highlight, better fuzzing, parent based and works anywhere

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search - cursor jumps to the search branch, one text box updates results, results are pointers to other nodes

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indent guide (green), color picker is back, task states, simpler save file based on indentation amount (only saves selected / mark when inside Todool tree)

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screw floaty windows - just a simple tree of all nodes - no bs. next up is v / h splits, more visual work, fixes and actual task oriented mechanisms again 😄

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color picker pops up when pressing on colors - color wheel moveable via w a s d, mouse xy and int text values, same with the hue slider

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keyboard shortcuts: editing keys is simple text input - editing calls (enum) is done in another tree

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easy undo redo on any sub node type and (4coder like) mark jumping

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zordering root tasks, more usability when tab / shift tabbing through values like excel, float and int edit nodes

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theme editing in the same node system - instead of completly seperate ui systems, will do all ui this way 😄

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column jumping similar to non monospace editors - still some odd cases to fix

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ported todool fully to seperate server / client setup, server only sends out draw commands to each client, data lives on the server side only. this way its really easy to add drawing calls about other users

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user mouse is shared, trying out some highlight rectangles where you can point at things. at the end it bugs out a bit and goes out of sync 😓 this stuff is difficult to get right

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auto align tasks based on state change, when wanted 😛

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getting my old mouse support back in, normal left click = cursor movement, ctrl click = fold task, shift click = drag task also in the end i show the menu for changing task state that im going to work on next 😄

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simple folding, via ui / key command, error message if failed. was pretty easy, just disable children to be drawn when folded, thankfully its not plain text 🙃

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auto scroll when something:

  • draw mode is changed
  • task selection changes (move up or down) and out of sight doesnt look perfect yet but its usable on small windows now 😄
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fleshing out my concept switching draw modes to kanban overview with the same interaction - same data, any ideas on other draw modes? 😄

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stuff is coming along nicely, im focusing more on mouse interaction this time. i liked the panning in dion so i made it in todool 😄 also check out odin above, todool is made with it haha

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undo / redo editing history in todool - takes 4 lines 😛

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worked quite a bit on todool:

  • heavy left / right / middle mouse button support added
  • multiple views possible into the same file
  • consistent undo / redo across views
  • undo / redo shows amount of undo / redo
  • all actions can be held down now like undo / redo, delete etc
  • clipping stuff like text now
  • kb preview of undo buffer (saving the entire array now which is kinda wasteful)
  • capping fps now cuz it was a pain trying to get it working
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took a break this week, back on track again working on todool - got some simple animation done for ui, mouse integration, reworked all of the magnet ui api to be much simpler - stuff like the undo / redo ui was super simple to do. dont mind the text glitches

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been working on custom ui for todool based on magnets that link to other ui elements via placement directions. very simple but effective for the way i usually create ui 🙂 also got nice automatic keyboard navigation working based on the closest ui element in the arrow direction in 180°

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todool color picker for custom themes - all done via :rxi: cached software rendering

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todool now has the undo / redo system from :rxi: - its super simple but powerful - go read his blogs 🙂

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todool is my now semi serious project, worked on the cached software renderer that :rxi: also uses and its awesome - minimal cpu usage / no gpu usage at all, no unnecessary redrawing. if anyone wants to test it, msg me 🙂

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bit more juice, made the window sizes adjust to the amount of (sub) topics there are. love it ❤️

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made my own todo app, cuz i got sick of having thousands of todo files around. i want to quickly edit topics with info and be able to focus on the matter, any ideas for improvements?

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experimenting with different console / immediate mode ui control interaction, now has fuzzy matching ```c if (ui_begin()) { if (ui_button("right")) { rect_x += 10; } if (ui_button("left")) { rect_x -= 10; } ui_checkbox("change", &change); ui_checkbox("red", &red_background); ui_slider("rect_x", &rect_x, 0, 250); ui_slider("rect_x", &rect_x_other, 250, 500 - rect_width); ui_slider("rect_width", &rect_width, 50, 250 - rect_width); ui_slider("ui_y", &ui_y, 0, 500 - 50); ui_end(0, ui_y, 500, 50); }

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lite custom todo file rendering, kinda what i did in 4coder

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AI start and visualization of the move AI state, pausing helps understanding what the AI determined

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Not entirely handmade but here's what i've been working on for about a month in rust, its tetris attack like and i've been working on ai for the first time. about a week into ai and i've probably tried thousand ways to make my life easier 🙃

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not as cool as the others but heres a puzzle game im making in odin and rewrote the rendering today. not sure if i should release the source code

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