The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
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Ginger Bill
I am ginger thus have no soul.
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Recent Activity

I am unironically still playing that card game I made on Twitch:

I've added 3 different difficulties, the ability to reset a game, and some basic animations.

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Third Beer!

Edit: I will not be posting any more of these. This will be it.

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Last night, I tried my first professional beer in my local pub!

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It's not much but it's something that should help a lot of people who use Odin:

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Project Ambrosia is available to use! It's my prototype of a reinvented cookbook!
For the Wheel Reinvention Jam

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Project Ambrosia - Jam Submission

Made with Odin, Sqlite3, SDL 2, and MicroUI.


  • Viewing Recipes
  • Ability to change units (including density information)
  • Scale recipes.
  • Steps with optional timing and temperature guides.
  • Add ingredients
  • Add Recipes
  • Rounding behaviour with Fractions
  • Dark Mode and Lite Mode
  • Many included recipes!

Future Features:

  • Search by tags
  • Reverse Recipe Search - Search by ingredients and amounts
  • Web App with user features
  • Image support
  • More recipes!

Fractional Unit Showing and basic rounding

Ability to Add Ingredients (with default units, and plural names)

Ability to Add Recipe

Current progress of Day 2 of the Jam. A "forward" cookbook with decent unit conversion done with the ability to convert between mass and volumetric units! (It knows the density of the ingredients)

A massive new Odin release! New packages (shoco, xml, varint, intrusive list, NetPBM, QOI, TGA, i18n), numerous improvements to packages, and so much much more!!!

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EmberGen 0.7.5 Release Trailer and Software Release <timestamp> (<timestamp>)

I cannot begin to describe how excited I am with everyone on the team is to release this update of EmberGen.

It's officially available now!!!

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Project Ambrosia

Basic recipe storage in a database and rendering

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Last night's stream is now live on YouTube: Odin Compiler Frontend Multithreading Talk and Current Progress on the Entire Win32 API in Odin

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I've just gone and done a crazy thing... Inline Swizzle Selector Expression for Arrays

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The best PR ever in all of existence purely due to the amount of code that is being removed:

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I've just invented the best thing ever*!

*people may disagree

#soa for loop iteration, and soa_zip

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Odin's -llvm-api backend support a lot more Odin types now from slices, dynamic arrays, maps, strings, and even bit_sets

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Odin's -llvm-api backend now supports debug information!!! (One step closer to removing the old backend)

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odin test is now fancy!

// demo_test.odin
package main

import "core:testing"

foo :: proc(t: ^testing.T) {
    f := f64(-1.0);
    got := abs(f);
    if got != 1 {
        testing.errorf(t, "abs(-1) = %v; want 1", got);


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Odin now has support for the Apple M1 architecture.

Live stream of the implementation for the platform:

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C tokenizer and preprocessor now part of the Odin core library (currently 2692 LOC)

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Support for any comparable type as map key

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Unbuffered and Buffered CSP-style Channels in Odin:

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Relative pointers in Odin because why not?

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SOA Struct Layout (Experiment)

Took me < 2 hours in total to implement in Odin

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Odin now supports ranged fields for array-like compound literals.

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Not just an April Fool's Joke any more.

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A reader written in Odin for the new Odin-Go-To-Definition (OGTD) file format which can be outputted by the compiler to be used by text editors to be able to jump to any definition of an identifier within code.

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UI System for new project - Made with Odin™

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On the latest Handmade Hero Stream, Casey stated that he would love a "data viewer" application. This is my current prototype (printing to text at the moment; no fancy rendering). The outputted file is an easy to write binary format.

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Font rendering in Odin using FreeType

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Working on my vector rendering engine in Odin (very early stages)

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